My Blog List

Sunday, July 19, 2009

For the next couple of weeks I'll be out of town. I have finally gotten my mountain fix for a couple of more months. I hope that these two weeks in Washington will suffice until I can get to Colorado in September. Flying over the mountains today was one of the most magnifcant sights I have seen in quite some time. It was absolutely breathtaking to see!! These are a few pictures of the Washington State Fire Academy. It is a pretty impressive facility. I have to say if far outranks the academy I went to, and that was a first rate academy. I can't wait to spend some time hiking and just being outdoors. I wish I could have been able to fit my kayak into my duffle bag but I don't know how I would have carried a 12' duffle bag onto the plane. I'm sure they would have caught onto that one. Some of the other pictures I took the other day when I was out at Wilson Lake kayaking. It was my last day before I had to leave for a month so I spent that morning getting back to nature. The bike trials at Lake Wilson are pretty impressive I have to say. They were pretty challanging for me. I can't wait to get out and ride them again and do some camping when I get back home. Hopefully I will have three others that will be joinging me. I'm looking forward to it that's for sure.

Once again, my sister has bamboozooled me. Tracy, Emily and Jonas came back for the weekend, but I had to leave before they got there. I'm really looking forward to finally getting to see them in a month when I fly back into KC. That weekend will be well deserved and can't wait to see everybody that weekend. I'm really looking forward to it.

This weekend I was introduced to a killer Blues' band out of KC called Levee Town. If you ever get the chance, check em' out. They really know how to put on a show and have some amazing talent amongst all of the members. You can even find some of there stuff on Youtube. Well worth your time.

I hope you all are having a wonderful summer and making the best of it. Get out and let the Sun shine on your soul!!

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